What Exactly is Ikigai? Do I Have the Courage to Pursue It?
Ikigai Basics
Ikigai is defined as “one’s reason for being, which in principle is the convergence of one’s personal passions, beliefs, values, and vocation: those who follow the concept of ikigai undertake the activities of their life with willingness and a satisfying sense of meaning.” I don’t even know enough about Japanese culture to be dangerous, but I believe most of us have sought ikigai. Take a look at the diagram. It makes sense.
What I Have Missed
Sometimes I have those moments of discovery and say to myself, “How have I lived this long without … (fill in the blank)?” It happened to me a few months ago when I finally read the impactful book, “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Victor Frankel. Most of my friends and relatives said they had read it when I started raving about it. I still don’t know how that book escaped my library.
I had another moment last week when a fellow coach talked to me about the Japanese concept of ikigai. She told me about a man she had coached who disliked his job as a business attorney. Through coaching, she helped him realize his life’s passion for bringing art to children whose economic circumstances keep them away from museums and galleries. Using the ikigai principles, he re-invented his life. His law practice now represents those museums and galleries and he volunteers for programs that bring art to children in lower economic conditions. Yes, the change involved risk. And a smaller income. But this attorney now says his life is more meaningful.
What I Can Help You With
Creating your vision
Asking the right questions
Building courage
Change is uncomfortable, even frightening
Research the future
Don’t jump in blindly. Let’s see what it looks like.
Study the Map
Together, we will make a plan for a happier life.
My Approach to Coaching
I do not coach to answer your questions. I coach to question your answers. I am not a consultant. You have the answers within you. It’s my job to bring them out. In our coaching sessions, I won’t talk a lot, except to query deeper and deeper into your actions, your decisions. I am trained to observe you and help you understand the feelings and emotions that cause you to make the decisions you do.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Business Coaching?
The best coaches help you build mental fitness – an acuity for running your business and your life. It is different from consulting. Consultants give you the answers. Coaches help you search within yourself to find those answers.
How Do I Know if Business Coaching Is Right for Me?
Do you ever find yourself saying, “It’s lonely at the top”? Then business coaching is right for you. As your coach, I am a clear-eyed colleague who tells you the truth about your decisions. Whether you’re making excuses or breaking through to a better place.
Do You Only Work With Established Companies?
No. I work with all kinds of companies. Start-ups. Established companies who are headed in a new direction. The only qualification I ask of you is, “Do you have a growth mindset?” If the answer is yes, let’s work together.