Here’s my “to do list.” Does it look like yours? Do you get a rush of dopamine every time you cross an item off the list? I do.
But if I allow it, accomplishing my to do list can be one of the least productive activities in my life.
This list is helping only if I am working on the items that are really important. My tendency is to cross off the easy tasks that are simple and can be accomplished quickly. I sometimes get to the end of the day and have a lot of line crossed out, but I haven’t yet tackled the most important issues.
When I work with CEOs and business leaders, we examine our productivity along these lines:
- Are there patterns of unproductive behavior. For instance, talking about an action that needs to be taken and then never taking action.
- Doing someone else’s job because you are not holding them accountable.’
- Not scheduling time for yourself to think about the big picture. Day-to-day operations can consume your work day.
- Unproductive meetings that occur regularly without an agenda or a time limit.
- Traveling to a client or a trade show when someone at another level could make the trip and actually growing their skill sets.
Many potential Vistage members I speak with who are interested in a peer group, say they cannot join because “I don’t have time.” I usually answer by telling them, “I bet I can help you find the time.”
Others tell me they are “juggling too many balls right now. Maybe in a few months.” And I answer, “What’s going to be different in a few months? Have you ever had oodles of free time so you could join a peer group?”
You’re the leader of the company. How you spend your time is crucial to your own happiness and your company’s profits. Let’s aim for a shorter list of “to do” items that are aimed at your success.