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How Time Spends You

by | Nov 13, 2022 | Business Leadership

Do you choose how you spend your time? Or does it choose you?

I came across a Twitter thread from Sahil Bloom. He’s an interesting and wealthy fellow without the baggage that some of the other rich people carry in this country. I like what I have seen from him.

Bloom shared charts that demonstrated how we spend our time over the decades of our lives. It was a clear demonstration of something that might seem obvious – early in our lives, we spend much of our time with our immediate family. As we age, the time shifts to our friends. And then we enter the workforce, and most of our hours are spent with people at our workplace.

As the years go by, we seem to spend less time with family (except for those years of child-rearing), less time with friends. We are relatively constant with our spouse or S/O. But eventually, we end up with a lot of time alone.

The summary Bloom creates is something I will keep on my desk:

  1. Family time is limited – cherish it.
  2. Friend time is limited – prioritize real ones.
  3. Partner time is significant – never settle.
  4. Children time is precious – be present.
  5. Corworker time is significant – find energy.
  6. Alone time is highest – love yourself.