Your Blind Spots are Blind Spots because your are blind to them
So why do we have them
So why do we have so many blind spots? I believe it is because humans have a tendency toward confirmation bias. And in a company leader, confirmation bias can be damaging.
We have all heard stories of leaders who “have a vision” and keep pushing toward it in spite of objections from boards of directors, advisors and staff. We admire these people because they have the guts to keep going when everyone else says “turn around” or “stop.”
I’ll acknowledge that there are a few of these visionaries who succeeded because they kept pushing when others told them to stop. Steve Jobs comes to mind. But how many other companies crash and burn because the leader is convinced they are right in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary? As Simon & Garfunkel sang in “The Boxer” – “A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.”
You’re right…NOT
You’re in confirmation bias mode when you collect only evidence that backs up your belief. You surround yourself only with followers who agree. You hire only people who fit your preconceived notion of what makes a good player on the team. This sounds more like a kingdom than a company.
Ask yourself, where is your confirmation bias at play in your company?
Here is how to overcome confirmation bias. You have to make an effort and take certain uncomfortable steps.
But the critical issue, it seems, is vulnerability. It’s a popular word in management thinking these days, mostly because of the insightful books by Brene Brown. Many leaders equate vulnerability with weakness. It’s not. A vulnerable CEO know that just maybe she is not correct 100 percent of the time. A vulnerable CEO thinks someone else might have a better idea or a way to improve his original idea.
In my career, I frequently and quietly appointed a senior leader as “Dr. No,” that voice in every meeting who says “Not so fast.” I wanted people to know they could disagree with the boss and still have a job the next day. I wanted to have a discussion. In the end, someone has to make the decision and choose the direction. That’s fine. But not until the angles are considered, not until the original thoughts are challenged.
What I Can Help You With
Creating your vision
Asking the right questions
Building courage
Change is uncomfortable, even frightening
Research the future
Don’t jump in blindly. Let’s see what it looks like.
Study the Map
Together, we will make a plan for a happier life.
My Approach to Coaching
I do not coach to answer your questions. I coach to question your answers. I am not a consultant. You have the answers within you. It’s my job to bring them out. In our coaching sessions, I won’t talk a lot, except to query deeper and deeper into your actions, your decisions. I am trained to observe you and help you understand the feelings and emotions that cause you to make the decisions you do.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Business Coaching?
The best coaches help you build mental fitness – an acuity for running your business and your life. It is different from consulting. Consultants give you the answers. Coaches help you search within yourself to find those answers.
How Do I Know if Business Coaching Is Right for Me?
Do you ever find yourself saying, “It’s lonely at the top”? Then business coaching is right for you. As your coach, I am a clear-eyed colleague who tells you the truth about your decisions. Whether you’re making excuses or breaking through to a better place.
Do You Only Work With Established Companies?
No. I work with all kinds of companies. Start-ups. Established companies who are headed in a new direction. The only qualification I ask of you is, “Do you have a growth mindset?” If the answer is yes, let’s work together.