Earlier this week, my wife and I finished binge-watching “Daisy Jones and the Six,” a 10-part series on a fictional rock band of the 1970s. It was entertaining but we agreed – as we usually do on these 10-part shows – it would be better in 8 parts. It would be...
An outstanding quality of the leaders I have known is the ability to break the mold with an idea or concept that was so foreign that it exposed the leader to ridicule. One of my managing editors from newspaper days, an exceptionally savvy fellow named Neal Pattison,...
Yeah, I know. March Madness and all that. I do love it. Know what else I love? The movie, “Hoosiers.” My favorite scene comes at the end when, with the score tied, Coach Gene Hackman calls for a last-second shot by someone other than the star player...
I took a phone call from a friend who admitted he screwed up and my respect for him rose even higher. I had recommended him for professional work to some colleagues and he failed to live up to the reputation that I had created. He called my colleagues first to...
A CEO told me that when she needs time to think, she finds an empty cubicle in her office building and “hides in plain sight” there so she isn’t frequently interrupted. I love it. Next time we meet I am going to tell her about “The Schultz...