My 7-year-old grandson made two great discoveries this week. First, he found this small pocket in his new blue jeans and dad explained that it was a “coin pocket” although not many people carry coins these days. Two days later, my grandson found a coin on the...
Somewhere in the past decades, we have developed this idea that we are invincible. We can trudge through anything, handle anything life throws at us and ask for more. Nothing can stop us. Until something does stop us. This has been a stressful and frightening week for...
“Whatever you do, don’t screw up the free stuff.” The insightful speaker at our last Vistage group meeting (Isabelle Mercier-Turcotte) said her dad had offered her this great advice. He told her to be polite, always use her best manners, show kindness to everyone, be...
Courage is a word often reserved for heroics in battle – be that in a war theater or fighting a disease. But courage is what it takes to succeed in business. Last week I had the chance to visit the grounds of the pinnacle moment for some of the most courageous...
It’s popular sport for the old generation to bash the newest. At least once a week I hear that millennials don’t want to work. They have no loyalty to companies. They stare at their phones all day. They do not even show up for job interviews. I am sure some of that is...