Thoughts on Leadership
In her book, “Dare to Lead,” Brene Brown defines a leader as “anyone who takes responsibility for recognizing the potential in people and ideas, and has the courage to develop the potential.”
In this blog I will share some of my thoughts on leadership and the thoughts and ideas of those I value. Please enjoy.
Confirmation Bias Is Hurting Your Business
. A vulnerable CEO know that just maybe she is not correct 100 percent of the time. A vulnerable CEO thinks someone else might have a better idea or a way to improve his original idea.
Uncomfortable? Sure. The highest compliment I receive from my members is the body language when they are physically uncomfortable, squirming in their seats. I want them to dig deep for answers. My job is to help them find the dysfunctions in the organization. That never happens in a conversation that takes place on the surface. You have to dig deep.
Personal praise for your employees is far more effective than the annual bonus.
Cleanse Your Mind of Trash Talk
A group of coaches I meet with regularly came up with the idea of a de-tox from negative self-talk. Go on a 48-hour bender and never say a bad word about yourself. See how that feels.
Searching for the gifts
One of my favorite aspects of the training is the “three gifts technique.” Shirzad holds that every situation, no matter how awful, should be examined for three gifts that emerge. Often, this is not easy. But you’ve likely experienced an awful situation in life that turned out to have some great benefits. I once lost a job that I loved and it turned out to be one of the best developments in my life.
A Body In Motion
Newton said that what gets us moving is an outside force. Something that compels us into action. What is that force in the life of your business? A worldwide pandemic? A worker shortage? A purchase attempt by investors? Or a significant change in strategy by your competitors?