Thoughts on Leadership
In her book, “Dare to Lead,” Brene Brown defines a leader as “anyone who takes responsibility for recognizing the potential in people and ideas, and has the courage to develop the potential.”
In this blog I will share some of my thoughts on leadership and the thoughts and ideas of those I value. Please enjoy.
Whatever You Want (Not)
One of my favorite qualities of my Vistage group is our pledge to be care-frontational. We are not nasty and don’t get personal with each other, but we do tell the truth. We might call out a CEO who won’t address the real issue. We will tell a business owner that he or she is taking the safe route to avoid a confrontation rather than risk a discussion that demands honesty.
Keeping My Mind Spacious
This relates to how I try to conduct business. To focus on what I decide is important in the moment, and not to respond to the most recent text, phone call or email.
Acting On What You Believe
The Japanese concept of ikigai is defined as “one’s reason for being, which in principle is the convergence of one’s personal passions, beliefs, values, and vocation: those who follow the concept of ikigai undertake the activities of their life with willingness and a satisfying sense of meaning.”
Listen Carefully
The best leaders listen more frequently than they talk. They learn through active listening.
Lead By Example
Your staff watches what you do more than what you say.