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Good Coaches Irritate You That's How They Uncover Dysfunction Dig DeeperBe Curious I like simple formulas, don’t you? My mind naturally tracks solutions in this way. My friend and fellow Vistage Chair, Gary Brenglass, taught me a business formula recently. Success...

People Respond When Rewards Are Personal Time to rethink how you reward your best How long is a “bonus” meaningful? Make it Mean something Our Vistage group recently welcomed the sublime Steve Heroux, owner of Victory Selling.  Steve made an excellent...
Cleanse Your Mind of Trash Talk

Cleanse Your Mind of Trash Talk

Take a Break from Negative Self-talk Being your own worst critic does not help RespondDon't React Mistakes are part of life and not a reason to criticize yourself. Cleanse You often hear people talking about a cleanse or de-tox. They want to get rid of all the...
Searching for the gifts

Searching for the gifts

Thre is good in every situation Hijack I am certain you have heard the phrase, “Everything happens for a reason.” And I agree. Somewhat. I think that you need to make those reasons happen. I have been studying the Positive Intelligence program with Dr. Shirzad Chamine...
A Body In Motion

A Body In Motion

Be a Body in Motion Inertia - the failure to move - kills many businesses Motion Inertia Science Science was always my weakest subject in school, but some lessons in physics stayed with me. Years later I read James Gleick’s biography of Isaac Newton and thought it was...