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Whatever You Want (Not)

Whatever You Want (Not)

Confrontation can be helpful The passive aggressive quality in a CEO or owner can be devastating to a business. The Truth Is A Lot Easier When I was about 13 years old, my aunt and uncle moved to a new apartment. During a family visit shortly after they moved in, they...
Keeping My Mind Spacious

Keeping My Mind Spacious

How I Use Mindfulness The founder of the movement passed away RespondDon't React If I think of my practice of mindfulness as a horizon and not a destination, then I’m good. My journey For the past year I have been studying the practice of Positive Intelligence...
Acting On What You Believe

Acting On What You Believe

Search for Meaning "Ikigai" When Your Life and Values Meet Find Your PassionMake the Change What Exactly is Ikigai? Do I Have the Courage to Pursue It?  Ikigai Basics Ikigai is defined as “one’s reason for being, which in principle is the convergence of one’s personal...
Listen Carefully

Listen Carefully

Company Culture Generous Listening “Most of the successful people I’ve known are the ones who do more listening than talking.”—Bernard Baruch Financier, statesman, and presidential advisor Bernard Baruch (1870-1965) knew a lot of successful people. The fact that he...
Lead By Example

Lead By Example

Lead By Example Ralph waldo emerson Culture Wise provides today’s blog entry using the words of the author of “Self-Reliance.”   Do as I Do “What you are speaks so loudly, I can’t hear what you’re saying.”—Ralph Waldo EmersonMost people have worked...