I took a phone call from a friend who admitted he screwed up and my respect for him rose even higher. I had recommended him for professional work to some colleagues and he failed to live up to the reputation that I had created. He called my colleagues first to...
A CEO told me that when she needs time to think, she finds an empty cubicle in her office building and “hides in plain sight” there so she isn’t frequently interrupted. I love it. Next time we meet I am going to tell her about “The Schultz...
Jimmy Carter is in his last days. This is the second time in his life that I thought we have seen the last of him. The first was when he left the White House in 1981. The commentary about him was so critical and cruel. “Loser.” “One-termer.” “Inept.” And those were...
After Vin Scully was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, he was asked about the secret to his success: ““I would quote Laurence Olivier, because I have lived by his quote. Apparently, some actor asked him about his success. And he said, ‘My success comes from a...
After an exhausting 48 hours on call, Dr. Faye Begeti got into her car to go pick up her kids and put her hospital ID badge into the switch where her car key was supposed to go. That’s an example of stored habits and it is what happens to our brains when we get too...
I am going to admit right here and now that as I have (hopefully) gracefully aged, I have added reading the newspaper obituaries to my morning ritual. And while I started this pursuit so I would not miss how life ends for some acquaintances, I have instead turned it...