Lead By Example
Ralph waldo emerson
Culture Wise provides today’s blog entry using the words of the author of “Self-Reliance.”
Do as I Do
“What you are speaks so loudly, I can’t hear what you’re saying.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson
Most people have worked for someone who tells others to do things a certain way but doesn’t follow their own advice. Nothing erodes confidence and trust faster than a leader who doesn’t “walk the talk.”
Being a standard-bearer isn’t easy. It requires a resolve to emblemize the characteristics that we want to see in others. Essayist, lecturer, and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1802) spent his life embodying the ideals he hoped society would adopt. The point he makes in the above quote is that no matter what someone says, what they do is what people remember and react to.
Employees need and respect leaders who live up to the qualities they expect from their staff. As David Friedman points out in Culture by Design:
“Our people are observing us every minute of every day, consciously and unconsciously, and they’re taking their cue from us about what really matters. We can talk all day long, but how we respond to situations will have more impact than anything we say.”
Employers set expectations of how they want their staff to act. Whether or not their employees live up to these standards directly correlates to the conduct of their boss. By leading by example, CEOs can generate a positive, high-performing company culture
Our people are observing us every minute of every day, consciously and unconsciously, and they’re taking their cue from us about what really matters.